Adopting blockchain in healthcare does not need a second opinion.

The underlying essence of every business has always been the need to bring a revolutionary change in the lifestyles of human beings. In the field of healthcare, it is no different. In fact, the need to bring an evolutionary change is urgent in the field. High-quality drugs coupled with immediate care and relief is what all the healthcare facilities are looking to provide to all their patrons.
Each facility is focused on delivering high-quality care to the clients. But here, in the field of medicine, there is a major flaw when it comes to fulfilling that goal. The providers and payers are the ones who have the authority over the decision making that leads to care-service delivery and the related data. The middlemen dependency on federal regulations is making it difficult for healthcare service providers to give patients’ health a top priority.
The beauty of blockchain technology, applied to healthcare, is a centralized platform that decentralizes health data (medical records) increasing security of sensitive information. The patient by using their profile, has full control of their medical information and can select the information shared and viewed by providers or doctors.
— Peter Nichol

This is where blockchain comes into the picture. Using blockchain, you can keep track of all the systems operating under this network because of the distributed ledger. Through this, alteration of records will be impossible and the community will be controlling the data themselves, updating and amending as per their requirement.
For perfect healthcare IT experience, you need the scalability according to the need, disaster reimbursement, data encryption, cryptography technologies and built-in fault immunity which could all be possible with the usage of blockchain technology. Managing the medical data of medicines as well as that of a patient becomes easier, secure and affordable.
Due to the blockchain technology, the patients will themselves be in charge of the data and can control who can change or update it. The process of billing and claim management is easily auditable and has better traceability. In the field of medical research, the blockchain would bring a paradigm shift since the storage of timestamp is a major requirement. This way, blockchain would pave the way for enhanced health and timely interception of diseases.
Industry diagrams where we design technologies that fill gaps
Explore how the industry 4.0 functionalities have revolutionized with
the added layer of blockchain technology.